The Beginning

  • By Tekena Solomon
  •  • 
  • 29th May 2024
  •  • 
  • 1 min read
  •  • 
  • Tags: 
  • personal

Hello and welcome! I'm Tekena, a software engineer with a passion for building high-quality software solutions. With over six years of experience in developing web applications and working with a wide range of technologies, I've embarked on this blogging journey to document my experiences and share my knowledge with you.

Why This Blog?

I started this blog because I felt a need to document my journey as a software engineer. Also I thought writing will be a good skill to develop and I wanted to share my knowledge with the community.

What to Expect

Here, I'll be focusing on topics related to:

  • Web Development: From front-end frameworks to back-end technologies, expect in-depth tutorials and practical guides.
  • Software Engineering: Best practices, design patterns, and architectural insights to help you build robust software.
  • General Technology: Updates, reviews, and my take on the latest trends in the tech world.

I'll also share tips and tricks that I've gathered over the years to help streamline your development process and improve your coding efficiency.

Get in Touch

Your feedback and questions are always welcome! Feel free to reach out to me via my socials below.

Happy reading! 🚀