Tekena Solomon

    Table of Contents


    I'm a Backend Engineer with over 6 years of experience in building and refining scalable software systems. I specialize in designing microservices architectures, managing databases, and leveraging cloud-native technologies. I'm passionate about improving system performance and efficiency to create better user experiences. With a strong background in JavaScript, Python, and Rust, I enjoy tackling complex technical challenges and finding innovative solutions.

    Relevant Skills

    • Database Management: Proficient in MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL for efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • Microservices Architecture: Expertise in designing scalable and modular systems.
    • Containerization: Proficient in Docker for reliable, consistent deployments.
    • Orchestration: Skilled in Kubernetes for optimal resource management and automated scaling.
    • Message Brokers: Experience with RabbitMQ for seamless communication between services.
    • Caching: Utilization of Redis for fast data retrieval and reduced database load.

    Programming languages

    • Javascript (TypeScript)
    • Python
    • Rust
    • C

    Professional Experience

    Braudit (Remote) | March 2023 - Present

    • Engineered and deployed a scalable backend system, increasing user capacity by 200%.
    • Applied microservices architecture, improving system modularity by 30% and reducing deployment times by 25%.
    • Optimized database queries, cutting the average response time of key API endpoints by 50%.
    • Led the adoption of Docker for containerization, reducing environment setup time by 70% for new team members.

    TSC Design Studio Website Project | 4 weeks

    • Architected and implemented a high-performance system, reducing page load times by 60% compared to the previous website.
    • Designed and deployed a scalable database structure, accommodating a 300% increase in portfolio items without compromising performance.
    • Integrated a custom Content Management System (CMS), enabling the client to update 90% of the website content independently, reducing maintenance requests by 75%.
    • Optimized the website for search engines, resulting in a 50% increase in organic traffic within the first month post-launch.

    Cicero LLC | July 2024 - August 2024

    • Architected and implemented a scalable backend system for multi-persona chatbot integrations.
    • Developed a Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline, improving chatbot response accuracy by 40%.
    • Engineered a real-time persona switching mechanism, reducing context transition timeand enhancing user experience.
    • Implemented an efficient caching strategy using Redis, reducing average response time by 60% and database load by 50%.
    • Designed and deployed a microservices architecture, enabling independent scaling of chatbot services.

    MEL-Technologes & Solutions Ltd. | May 2021 - June 2021

    • Architected and managed CMS websites.
    • Introduced students to web development by teaching HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Resolved complex website issues and bugs.
    • Exercised leadership capabilities by motivating and inspiring others.

    Anchor University | June 2021 - November 2021

    • Optimized websites for maximum speed and scalability.
    • Participated in the full software development life cycle.
    • Led the web design entrepreneurship group, guiding them during a web forum application development.


    • Anchor University: BSc. in Computer Science


    GraphQL Nest.js PostgreSQL mongoDB RabbitMQ Docker Kubernetes Rust React Vue.js Next.js Nuxt.js Tailwind CSS Redis Nginx styled-components TypeScript websocket Postman C Puppeteer Arch Linux


    All projects can be viewed here.


    Available upon request.