
  • By Tekena Solomon
  •  • 
  • 3 min read
Table of Contents


LegitXBet is a custom built betting platform that offers a wide range of sports betting options. The platform is built using the NestJS framework and utilizes a postgres database data management and redis for caching.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to a wide range of users. It includes a backoffice for bet management, user profile management, and real-time updates.

How I built it

Legitxbet landing page

As a key member of the LegitXBet development team, I took charge of the backend bookmaking modules, a critical component of the platform. My first step was to architect the codebase to align with a Nest.js microservice architecture, ensuring scalability and modularity. I adopted RabbitMQ as the messaging protocol to enable seamless communication between the various microservices.

The development process involved several key challenges, which I addressed as follows:

  1. Integrating Sports Data Feeds: I researched and implemented a reliable solution for ingesting sports data feeds, ensuring real-time accuracy and consistency. This involved selecting the right data providers and designing the system to handle large volumes of data.
  2. Efficient Data Storage and Retrieval:: I structured the database schema to efficiently store and manage sports data in PostgreSQL. This design allowed for quick access to relevant information, which was crucial for real-time betting scenarios.
  3. Optimizing Data Delivery to Clients: To enhance the user experience, I implemented caching mechanisms using Redis, ensuring that client applications received sports data promptly without overloading the database. This approach significantly improved the platform’s responsiveness. 4 Managing Data Updates and Reactivity: I developed a robust system for handling real-time data updates, ensuring that client applications reflected the latest sports data instantaneously. This required careful synchronization between the microservices and client interfaces.
  4. Streamlining the Betting Process: I mapped out and implemented the end-to-end betting workflow, from placing a bet to settlement and cashout. This involved designing secure and efficient transaction handling processes that could scale with user demand.

Notable Features

  1. User authentication and registration
  2. User profile management
  3. Bet creation and management
  4. Bet results tracking
  5. Real-time updates and notifications
  6. Customizable betting options
  7. User-friendly interface
  8. Admin Backoffice


LegitXBet is built using the following technologies:

Live Demo

You can view the live demo here